(No) Cream of Mushroom Soup
Creamy, rich, warming mushroom soup
Creamy, rich, warming mushroom soup

has both white and black pepper, giving it a little kick
It has both white and black pepper, giving it a little kick
Our mushroom soup is made creamy by blending potatoes, coconut milk and onions and made peppery by mixing both white and black pepper.
Mushroom soup can be exactly what the doctor orders on a rainy day. Quite literally, as mushrooms contain Vitamin D and this soup is loaded with them!
Ingredients You Can
Count On
Ingredients You Can Count On
Water, Potato, Mushrooms, Onions, Salt, Garlic, Pepper, Thyme

Where Can You Buy The (No) Cream of Mushroom Soup?
Where Can You Buy The (No) Cream of Mushroom Soup?
The (No) Cream of Mushroom Soup is available at select locations across Canada, as well as online on Modern Wellness Bar Shop
(No) Cream of Mushroom Soup Nutritional Information
(No) Cream of Mushroom Soup Nutritional Information